Sample Extraction from Non-Human Sources - US (2025)

As technology advances, so does the need for more efficient and accurate methods of extracting samples from non-human sources. Obtaining high-quality samples is crucial for obtaining reliable results. We understand the importance of sample extraction and are committed to providing you with optimized solutions to help you achieve your goals.

The MagMAX CORE sample extraction system is a flexible and modular technology optimized to purify nucleic acids from a wide range of animal sample matrices and is designed to meet all of your current and future sample extraction needs.

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Sample Extraction from Non-Human Sources - US (1)

Quick links

  • MagMAX CORE Mechanical Lysis Module
  • KingFisher sample automation
  • MagMAX CORE product flyer

Nucleic acid extraction kits for animal health & agrigenomics

The MagMAX CORE Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit is Thermo Fisher Scientific’s latest nucleic acid extraction solution for animal health and agrigenomics applications. It offers the simplest and fastest workflow of any kit we offer. By combining MagMAX CORE with its supporting modules, you can tackle almost any sample, including those that are hard-to-lyse, and perform high- or low-throughput depending on your needs.

MagMAX CORE Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit

We also sell and support five additionalkitswith proven histories that havethe validatedworkflows for major viral RNA and DNA targetsrequired in many regions.

MagMAX Pathogen RNA/DNA Kit: Provides high-throughput extraction of pathogen RNA or DNA from 50 μL to 300 μLsampleinput(400 uL forT. foetusand fecal samples)
MagMAX-96 Viral RNA Isolation Kit: Offers high-throughput extraction of pathogen RNA or DNA from as little as 50 μLsample input
MagMAX-96 AI/ND Viral RNA Isolation Kit: Validated extraction of AIV and NDVRNA
MagMAX Total Nucleic Acid Isolation Kit: Enables effective extraction of DNA from tough-to-lyse bacteria from feces that require bead beating
MagMAX Viral RNA Isolation Kit: Used inlow tohigh-volume, low-throughput applications, utilizing 1.5 mL tubes with a magnetic rack

Sample Extraction from Non-Human Sources - US (2)

See the MagMAX CORE kit in publications

The following citation list reflects the flexibility of use for multiple pathogen-testing workflows and captures the study, applications, and use of the MagMAX CORE kit in each of the publications.

View citation list›

The value of MagMAX CORE technology in your laboratory


Labs shouldn’t have to wait fortheir sample extraction—it should keep pace with their testing needs. The new MagMAX CORE workflow offers:

  • Faster instrument processing times, allowing you to determine diagnostic results more quickly
  • Premixed washes that don’t require the addition of alcohols
  • Higher-quality nucleic acids, which may lead to less retesting and fewer workflow interruptions

MagMAX CORE fastest run time

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The following graphs highlight the performance of MagMAX CORE compared to two other commercially available nucleic acid extraction kits, in detecting various pathogens from field samples, including oral fluid, whole blood, and in-pouch culture.

PRRSV isolation from oral fluids

Click image to enlarge

T. foetus isolation from in-pouch culture

Click image to enlarge

BTV isolation from whole blood

Click image to enlarge


Labs want to work smarter, not harder. MagMAX CORE is optimized to help labs work more efficiently, enabling them to save time and money. Potential savings include:

  • Reduced plastics use, drastically limiting waste and costs
  • Room temperature reagents greatly improve product handling and save on storage space and costs
  • Complete workflows that address 14 unique sample types provide you with a universal solution
  • A single protocol adapted to multiple Thermo Scientific KingFisher magnetic particle processors unifies all workflows, regardless of throughput

MagMAX CORE universal sample extraction solution

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Supported sample types
  • Whole blood
  • Feces
  • Oral fluid
  • Animal, fecal & environmental swabs
  • Tissue / Organs
  • Milk
  • Hair follicles
  • Semen
  • Serum
  • Ear punches
  • Ear notches
  • Environmental samples
  • Biomed Diagnostics InPouch™ TF (Tritrichomonas foetus) culture
  • Plasma

MagMAX CORE sample extraction video

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The diagnostic testing environment is constantly evolving. Labs need a sample extraction solution that can grow with them. MagMAX CORE is designed to meet labs’ current and future testing needs. Features include:

  • A “CORE” chemical formulation designed to be the last sample extraction solution you may ever need to validate
  • Flexible modules that couple easily with the CORE chemistry, allowing the introduction of new applications without requiring new chemistries
  • New formulation and workflow that allow for downstream sequencing applications
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On-demand webinar: MagMAX CORE—the last sample extraction you may ever need

MagMAX CORE product flyer

Our vision is to provide comprehensive solutions to help diagnose farm animal health issues more quickly and accurately than ever before—and thus enhance animal health and productivity. To learn more about our MagMAX CORE universal sample extraction solution, please download our product flyer or contact a product specialist.

View product flyer ›

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Modular solutions

Some targets or sample types may require additional components not included in the MagMAX CORE kit. MagMAX CORE offers flexible modules that are used in conjunction with the “CORE” chemistry. This allows you to easily add new applications without needing to introduce new chemistries.

MagMAX CORE Mechanical Lysis Module

Click image to enlarge

The Applied Biosystems MagMAX CORE Mechanical Lysis Module is designed to meet your lab’s Mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis (MAP) and other hard-to-lyse diagnostic testing needs.

  • Complete solution using the same MagMAX CORE Nucleic Acid Purification Kit chemistry
  • Higher-quality nucleic acids from both small- (.3 g) and large-volume (2–5 g) sample inputs
  • Validated on feces, milk, and environmental samples
  • Only purchase what you need

MagMAX CORE Mastitis & Panbacteria Module

The Applied Biosystems MagMAX CORE Mastitis & Panbacteria Module is offered in combination with the MagMAX CORE Nucleic Acid Purification Kit to improve the recovery of bacterial targets, especially those that are important in the detection of mastitis in cattle and from challenging matrices like mastitic milk.

To improve the recovery of bacterial targets:

  • To be used when targeting a wide range of Bacteria in a single extraction
  • To be used when targeting unknown Bacteria
  • To be used for gram positive and other difficult Bacteria targets, like those that cause Mastitis

The MagMAX CORE Mastitis & Panbacteria Module includes a specially optimized lysis solution and an alternative script to improve the recovery of nucleic acid from all bacteria, including gram positive bacteria.

Features include:

  • Convenient—a complete solution using the same CORE chemistry
  • Easy—no centrifugation and no aspiration steps
  • Fast—less than 1 hour for 96 samples
  • Flexible—appropriate for fresh, frozen, or preserved milk samples, including samples with high somatic cell count

The MagMAX CORE Kit and the MagMAX CORE Mastitis & Panbacteria Module help make your lab more efficient through greater convenience, consistent performance, and time and cost savings.

MagMAX CORE nucleic acid extraction kit vs. competitor kit

Click image to enlarge

Automate the processing of virtually any sample from any source

The family of KingFisher magnetic particle processors is ideal for veterinary diagnostic and research labs looking to automate their MagMAX sample extraction system. For decades our proprietary, industry-leading magnetic separation technology has enabled labs to process virtually any sample from any source and is available in various instrument options to fit many budgetary, application and throughput needs.

KingFisher Flex processor—two separate magnetic heads provide96-or24-well formats, offering high-throughput or large processing volumes (20 μL to 5,000 μL).

KingFisher Duo processor—advanced functionality, mid-throughput capacity (up to 24 samples), and large processing volumes (up to 5 mL).*

KingFisher mL processor—provides easy operation of up to 15 samples, including higher processing volumes (50–1,000 μL).*

View ordering information for KingFisher consumables›

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For Laboratory Use Including Veterinary and Environmental Uses.

Sample Extraction from Non-Human Sources - US (2025)
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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Author information

Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.