165+ Questions to Ask the Groom About the Bride (How well do you know your partner?) (2025)

A bridal shower, bachelor, or bachelorette party is the perfect time to throw out some great questions for the future bride and groom. A Mr. and Mrs. quiz is a popular way to get everyone involved in the pre-wedding entertainment. Boost the drama by coming up with fun penalties for wrong answers and small prizes for whoever gets the most questions right.

These top questions to ask the groom about the bride or the bride about the groom are a good way to see who knows their future spouse better. Get ready for some playful banter, blushes, and lots of laughter that will get the whole bridal party in on the game.

What Are Mr. and Mrs. Questions?

A Mr. and Mrs. quiz is a lighthearted game that’s usually played at hen nights or stag parties. Usually, the maid of honor or best man will ask the bride or groom a series of questions about their fiancée or their relationship story.

The list of questions is kept secret until they are unveiled at the party. In some cases, each guest will get a chance to ask the bride or groom a question off the list.

30 Funny and Quirky Mr. ; Mrs. Questions

165+ Questions to Ask the Groom About the Bride (How well do you know your partner?) (1)

1. Is she more likely to handle a spider?

2. Who will get more hungover at the wedding?

3. Who is funnier?

5. Who is more stubborn?

10. How does she like her eggs?

11. What celebrity does she look like?

12. Which one takes longer to get ready?

13. What job does she insist on doing herself?

14. What’s her favorite color?

15. What’s her pet name for you?

16. Who does she admire most?

19. What job does she hate doing most?

20. What was her first impression of you?

21. What item of clothing does she prefer?

22. Who is better with money?

23. Who is the best dancer?

24. Who is more likely to cry watching a sad movie?

25. Who keeps secrets best?

26.Who wears the pants?

28.Who is the best at DIY?

29.Who does the most housework?

30. Who is best at timekeeping?

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20 Classic Mr. ; Mrs. Quiz Questions

1. Who fell hardest and fastest?

2. What do you argue about?

3. What’s the proudest moment in his/her life?

4. How did he propose?

5. Where in the world would she like to travel together?

6. If she could have dinner with anyone, alive or dead, who would it be?

7. What’s the most romantic thing she’s ever done?

8. What’s the most romantic thing he’s said to you?

9. Who kissed who first?

10. What was the last movie they cried at?

11. What’s their best party trick?

12. Which celebrity do they look like?

13. What’s the one thing they can’t live without?

14. Tea or coffee?

15. Who is her celebrity crush?

16. If they could change one thing about their body, what would it be?

17. Would the bride or groom fetch more at an auction?

18. Which one of you would fetch more in an auction?

19. If they could choose, what would your partner be famous for?

20. Put their friends, their job, hobbies, or favorite sports team in order of importance.

40 Mr. ; Mrs. Questions for Him and Her

165+ Questions to Ask the Groom About the Bride (How well do you know your partner?) (2)


1. Which celebrity does he look like?

2. If he won the lottery, what would he spend it on?

6. Who’s the most attractive, the bride or the groom?

7. What’s his favorite topping for pizza?

8. What was his first job?

9. What’s his favorite movie?

10. Does he like you in jeans or a dress?

11. What actor would play him in a film about his life?

12. What’s his most annoying trait?

13. What’s his eye color?

14. Who wears the pants?

15. What is his favorite sport?

16. What is his shoe size?

17. Is he tidy or messy?

18. Where would he love to go on a vacation?

19. What body part does he think is his best feature?

20. If he could have any superpower, what would it be?

21. Who’s the better cook?

22. What’s his favorite thing to drink?

23. What’s his guilty pleasure?

24. What’s his worst habit?

25. What 3 words would you use to describe him?

26. What is the first thing he does when he gets up?

27. What’s his most embarrassing moment?

28. What is his biggest fear?

29. What’s the name of his first pet

30. How old was she when she had her first kiss?

31. How old was he when she had his first kiss?

32. What was the name of his first pet?

33. How many times did he take his driving test?

34. What was his favorite subject in school?

35. What did your parents first think of the groom?

36. Does he want kids?

37. How many kids does he want?

38. What’s the best gift that he’s given you? What’s the worst?

39. What is his best dance move?

40. Does he have a secret party trick?


1. What’s her favorite meal?

2. Who’s her favorite celebrity?

3. What’s her nickname from the groom?

4. What’s her favorite topping for pizza?

5. What’s her biggest fear?

6. What would her superpower be?

7. What would she buy if she won the lottery?

8. What would the bride grab first in a fire?

9. What was her first job?

10. What’s her dream car?

11. Does she prefer heels or flats?

12. What’s her dream holiday destination?

13. Describe the bride in 3 words

14. What’s her guilty pleasure?

15. What’s her shoe size?

16. What’s the bride’s favorite thing to drink?

17. What perfume does she like to wear?

18. What is her favorite kind of chocolate bar?

19. Who is the better cook?

20. Who is the best driver?

21. What’s her favorite movie?

22. What’s the name of her favorite song?

23. If she could take just one thing to a desert island, what would it be?

24. What was her first pet’s name?

25.. What street did she grow up on?

26. What was her first boyfriend’s name?

27. What was her favorite subject in school?

28. What’s her favorite music genre?

29. Does she prefer a movie or TV?

30. What is her spirit animal?

31. Does she prefer a weekend at home or a weekend adventure?

32. Does she like sweets or salt more?

33. Does she want children? If so, how many?

34. Who made the first move?

35. Does she prefer cats or dogs?

36. Who apologizes first?

37. If she could eat only one thing, what would it be?

38. What’s her favorite ice cream?

39. Can you name all her cousins?

40. Who is her best friend?

15 “In Your Opinion” Mr. and Mrs. Questions

165+ Questions to Ask the Groom About the Bride (How well do you know your partner?) (3)

1. Who plans better dates?

2. Who is the best dancer?

3. Who has the weirdest phobia?

4. When is your partner happiest?

5. Does he/she prefer the mountains or the beach?

6. Who gets angry more?

7. Who always gets the last word?

8. Who is the clumsiest?

9. What is his or her favorite book?

10. What is his or her favorite restaurant?

11. Which of his/her clothes do you hate most?

12. Who snores more?

13. What is the bride’s best attribute?

14. How long did you date before kissing?

15. What’s the bride’s bra size?

20 Cute Mr. and Mrs. Questions

1. How did you both meet?

2. What did you wear on your first date?

3. Who paid for everything on the first date?

4. What did you do on your first date?

5. Who said “I love you” first?

6. What is his or her greatest achievement?

7. What is her favorite thing to eat?

8. What was the first trip you did together?

9. What’s her favorite dessert?

10. When is the anniversary of your first date?

11. Who says I love you more often?

12. What words did he use to propose?

13. Where did you meet?

14. What wasthe first movie you watched together?

15. Who is grumpier in the mornings?

16. Who gets scared at horror movies?

17. Who has the best fashion?

18. Whose handwriting is worse?

19. Who has worse memory?

20. Who tells the best jokes?

How to Organize a Mr. ; Mrs. Quiz

The fastest way to get the quiz game organized is to email a list of questions to the bride or groom and get their answers.

Select 20-25 questions about the happy couple’s likes and dislikes or relationships. Next, ask the groom’s questions to the bride and the bride’s questions to the groom. The goal is to see how well the bride and groom know each other and for partygoers to get as many right answers as possible.

How to Throw an Awesome Mr. and Mrs. Quiz Game

165+ Questions to Ask the Groom About the Bride (How well do you know your partner?) (4)

Think about the bride and groom and your audience when throwing a Mr. and Mrs. quiz party. Keep it light, keep it fun, and personalize it if possible.

For example, you may not want to highlight any tensions in their relationship or ask any questions that might embarrass the couple or family members who might attend the game.

Add a personal touch by recording the groom’s answers to his questions. Then once the bride and guests have guessed, play back the recording to see how many she or they matched up.

1. Think About How You’ll Deliver the Game

Once you have the questions answered by recording or email, print up some game sheets with questions and blank spaces for answers. Get pens or pencils for everyone. Then decide on the time and place to host the romantic quiz. Come Up with Penalties for Right and Wrong Answers

Get the girls or guys to take a sip of bubbly or other alcohol for every question that the bride or groom gets right. When the bride or groom gets an answer wrong, then he or she has to down a swig of their drink.

Once you’ve asked every question, you can tally up everyone’s scores. Check who got the most answers right and announce who knows who better. You can even give a small prize to whoever scored the highest on the questions asked.

2. Personalize It

Since you’re a good friend of the bride or groom, you can add questions of your own that show you put thought and effort into the game.

You can also add photos of the bride and groom to the printable sheets or put a quote that says something about who they are as a person.

3. Add a Few Props

Put up photos, decorations, or other items that show off the couple’s individual favorite things or interesting facts about their relationship to make the game extra special.

Final Thoughts on Questions to Ask the Groom About the Bride

Getting everyone together for a lighthearted quiz session is a fun way to create the ultimate bride-and-groom-themed game that’s sure to please.

165+ Questions to Ask the Groom About the Bride (How well do you know your partner?) (5)

Serena Lawrence

Serena & Dominic are a married couple and parents to 3 wonderful children. They plan weddings, run multiple small businesses, and curate wedding events.

By giving you everything you need to make your dream wedding attainable, you can eliminate stress, get the ‘wedding glow,’ and focus on spending this rocking day with the person you adore. Discover their podcast for more information

165+ Questions to Ask the Groom About the Bride (How well do you know your partner?) (2025)
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